Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Painting: "Lupine's Dance"

Sugar Hill is one of several NH towns to celebrate the annual Lupine Festival. Each year hundreds of people travel to the quaint village north of Franconia Notch, to take in the beautiful views of the surrounding White Mountains, and walk among the fields of lavender and pink lupine blooming in the foreground. I was thrilled to have the chance to travel to Sugar Hill, a week ago Friday, to join two other members of NHPleinair, for a day of painting on location. What a beautiful day!
(That painting is not quite complete, but I hope to have it posted soon.)

This is also the time of year when lupine bloom along the road sides and small clearings throughout the north country. Because of the cooler climate, Pittsburg's lupine are a little behind the rest, but well worth the wait.

In anticipation of the festival at Sugar Hill, I searched back through my archives of photographs, and came across an image I had taken last year...of a glowing patch of lupine growing along Rte 3, to the northern end of town. "Lupine's Dance" is a just a fun little 8x10 oil painting, created in the celebration of their return.

Price & Description

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